Welcome to the most selfish time of year, when adults turn into children on Christmas day hoping to get the toy they've been dreaming of since the day after their birthday. Votes are going left and right--everyone has an opinion. Everyone has the "right" opinion. People are kicking and screaming, to the point I hardly recognize them as human.
But to what end? What gain comes from all this? This battle must be won and it's all about our personal victory. From what I've seen, this nation is on the brink of tragedy and great disaster--there are people killing each other over silly things like ethnicity and offense, terrorists trying to destroy us, a corrupted government full of liars and cheaters.
And then there's us. We the people. Getting angry at people who have an opinion that's different then ours, shunning our dear companions for not believing "right." But we are above justice. We are the government--sovereign in this race. It's up to us. But the thing is, when did running our government become more important then loving people? How is throwing your views out at people over social media helping? Did you ever realize these are image bearers of Christ, who deserve at least a bit of respect.
In a broken and dying world what makes you think your self-centered fight will do any good, if you can't even manage to live by them anyways. Your fighting a battle but you're using the enemies weapons! There's this quote circling around about how Presidents can't take the place of our one and only Savior, I've seen it shared from time to time, but the problem is most of those people are pretty positive that they're safe, going to heaven, no big deal. Next minute them and their self-righteousness are off killing people with their words. Don't be so ignorant! We the people has turned into We the Hypocrites!
This has gone too far. We follow bias that agrees with our standards and defend it with our dying breath. Madness. What would it look like if you spent a second to listen to someone else's views? What if we showed love and made peace with our "enemies?" Are you too far above that? Why is no one listening anymore? My mom always said God gave you two ears, one mouth--I think this should be implicated more often.
Here's another thought: would you fend Jesus and the Bible with the same zeal as you defend taxing propositions and Donald Trump? If you can't honestly answer yes then I really don't see how anything else you say can carry any weight of who He is. Who is this really about?
So true! If don't have love we are just clanging symbols! (1 Corinthians 13:1). Love you girl!